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Business Performance

Do you need to improve the way your business is managed in the long or medium term, or on a daily basis, or all of these?

I can help analyse your current methodology and perfect it. Alternatively, I can develop a road map with you to introduce new and exciting methods that could transform your way of working, provide the kind of clarity and dynamic visual management reporting systems that will align your long term goals and daily objectives. Your whole organisation will feel the positive affect which will improve the teamwork and engagement of all your staff.

Together we can execute your strategy to achieve the success you crave.

Why not try our specialist workshop on Strategy Execution

Management Consulting

If you want to develop or transform your business to grow, reorganise, reprioritise, become more competitive or to sustain your current performance, I can help.

By providing relevant technical analysis and strategic & tactical guidance to help you quantify your issues, understand where your challenges lie and see where the scope for improvement can come from. This will deliver improved results and effective management of all your projects.

Together we can improve the way you manage change, to help create the right environment for you and your team to achieve consistency and deliver on time, economically.

Why not try our specialist workshops on Change Management, Re-Engineering and Manufacturing Cost Reduction

Training Services

As a Senior Instructor & Lean Expert, I have delivered numerous basic lean and lean management for executives courses that could help you and your team deliver results and work in a way consistent with the best manufacturing companies in the world.

If it’s cultural change, major CI transformation or basic Kaizen & 5S you need, I have it covered.

Furthermore, in my view most businesses do not need or benefit by off the shelf training courses. Quite often a bespoke course designed to face the specific challenges and gaps you are currently facing is what is required – this is where my flexibility, adaptability and experience comes to the fore, adding value to your business.

Why not let me take a look at your training model and library of courses. Reflect with you on your employee skill-sets, engagement and succession planning and marry these up with my library and ability to adapt and deliver bespoke training for you.

Specialist Workshops

Strategy Execution:

Enabling your organisation to successfully deploy, execute and safeguard short and long-term strategy.

Capturing your goals, cascading, aligning and empowering leaders to prioritise to manage projects and actions needed to achieve your goals.

Enhancing adaptability & flexibility to focus on critical paths and serious risks during periods of…

  • Business transformation
  • Complex program management
  • Business turnaround
  • Supply chain transformation
  • Globalisation


“I must strengthen my team and management methodology”

3-day Business Management Analysis Workshop

Change Management:

Guiding you to protect your plans to keep your project and costs on track. To introduce change seamlessly using best practice project management tools.

Coaching behaviours and disciplines to deliver the required results that will manage your challenges and abnormality during periods of…

  • Product development
  • New product introduction
  • Pre-production trials, start of production and rate of climb
  • Volume change
  • Taking over existing business
  • Start-up


“My processes are about to undergo major change”

2-day  Project Management Analysis Workshop

Manufacturing Cost Reduction:

Coaching you to increase your operating profit by improving your processes.

Reducing your purchase costs by applying  best practice lean tools and methodology in your suppliers, for you or with you.

  • Your production processes
  • Your logistics operations
  • Your suppliers production processes
  • Your suppliers logistics operations
  • All of the above, with you or for you.

“I must improve my competitiveness”


3-day Process Waste Workshop

4-day Process Re-engineering Workshop

Workshop costs are negotiable and can be reduced or increased based on the actual number of days required to fit the challenges that the business is facing.

Offering ‘investment free’ services and flexible payment terms to suit your business.

Strategy Execution:

3-day Workshop*

To identify ways to improve how you align your business and deploy strategy to achieve your annual goals and long-term aspirations


To identify ways to improve how you align your business and deploy strategy to achieve your annual goals and long-term aspirations

  • Evaluating and identifying scope for improvement in the management and reporting methodology
  • Evaluating and identifying improvements in visualisation and bringing your strategy to life
  • Identifying training and coaching needs

Expected Outputs (tailored to suit your needs):

  • Indication of the state of the business
  • Recommendations to improve strategy management
  • Draft design of new business processes/s
  • Recommendations for training and coaching
  • High level view of benefits
  • Draft roadmap

Change Management:

2-day Workshop*

Focus on understanding how well you and your project managers deliver your projects on time, within budget and at the required quality level.

To identify ways to improve your project management, helping you to secure your plans by:

  • Evaluating the organisation and infrastructure to identify scope for improvement
  • Assessing and identifying improvements in visualisation and bringing your project to life
  • Identifying training and coaching needs

Expected Outputs (tailored to suit your needs):

  • Comprehensive list of issues, challenges and countermeasures
  • Recommendations to improve project management
  • Recommendations to strengthen the organisation
  • Recommendations for training and coaching
  • High level view of benefits
  • Draft roadmap

Manufacturing Cost Reduction:

3-day Workshop*

Focus on waste identification & elimination, lean tools are trained out and used on your processes to identify issues and to create a continuous improvement plan.

Purpose: To formulate a process improvement plan by:

  • Identifying waste in the process
  • Brainstorming ideas to eliminate waste
  • Capturing quality, safety and environment issues

Expected Outputs (tailored to suit your needs):

  • Comprehensive list of issues, challenges and countermeasures
  • High level view of cost, benefit, applicability, feasibility and timing
  • Draft continuous improvement plan

Manufacturing Cost Reduction:

4-day Workshop*
Focus on re-engineering your processes and supply chain to make you more profitable and competitive.

Purpose: To raise and develop ideas that would transform operations & material flow to fit the required future state of the business by identifying:

  • Productivity opportunities
  • Inventory reduction opportunities
  • Quality, safety and environment opportunities

Expected Outputs (tailored to suit your needs):

  • Simple definition of where the business wants to be
  • Comprehensive list of issues and challenges
  • Options to counter the issues and challenges
  • Draft design of new processes
  • High level view of cost, benefit, applicability and feasibility
  • Draft Roadmap
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