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Total Quality Management

Polaris True North Consultancy can take your company on a journey to improve or introduce your quality management system.

Whether you are a a small business or a large complex global or regional organisation, TQM methodology can be adapted to take your business forward in a structured manner. Industry standard accreditation can be applied if you prefer, by using recognised diagnostic tools and systems.

As VP, Operations Excellence providing an in-plant logistics service to a leading OEM, Michael helped develop the strategy and roadmap for world class performance using the EFQM methodology and accreditation system at one of its advanced manufacturing sites. This took a lot of hard work and dedication by the site team and resulted in an initial assessment improving from a reasonably low start point to over 600 points in a 3 year period.

Hoshin Kanri

Polaris True North Consultancy can help you improve, train or introduce the world renowned Japanese Hoshin-Kanri Strategy Execution Management System.

Whether you are a small business or a large, complex, global or regional organisation, HK methodology can be adapted to take your business forward in a structured manner.

Simple spreadsheets and charts on traditional visual management boards work well, as does using fast, efficient, real time IT technology.

As Regional Manufacturing Strategy Planning Manager for a leading Japanese OEM, Michael led the objectives deployment program through a period of transition from global to regional management decision making. This involved the alignment, collaboration and positive engagement of two existing sites in Europe and one to be launched in Russia. With seven functions transforming simultaneously it was vital that they kept their focus on core business performance, cost and quality goals as the drivers to corporate growth.

Michael established and maintained efficient visualisation and management reporting throughout the business directly to the SVP of Manufacturing, SC, Purchasing & Quality and on to the Regional EVP, to world class standards.

Strategic and Tactical Deployment

Polaris True North Consultancy can help you develop and deploy your strategies and tactics, to ensure they’re all inclusive to meet your needs and challenges ahead.

Understanding your current performance, gap condition and determining critical path items is not easy, yet very crucial to your success. Getting it right first time, will save lots of time, cost and effort (and probably customer frustrations) and this is where we will strive to put you by using advanced tools that visualise and allow you to manage effectively to your expectations.

As part of a SC Sector Global Leadership Team, Michael contributed to achieving the growth strategy resulting in average €24m GP each year, raised customer retention from 83% to 95% and employee satisfaction circa 2 percentage points.

As VP Operations Excellence in the Supply Chain world, Michael was instrumental in promoting and deploying a global standard operations efficiency program which was an adaptation of key elements of lean manufacturing best practice, into a Logistics Operations Way Model. Significant service quality, productivity, employee satisfaction, cost and positive customer survey responses were evident.

Michael has also applied similar low key tactics and versions in numerous circumstances in various operations around the world.

Productivity Improvement

Polaris True North Consultancy can assist you with the productivity of assembly lines, machinery and automation. From basic work station improvements including ergonomics to advanced IE techniques evaluating and eliminating waste to ensure your staff work smarter.

Making the most out of available resource is uppermost, but once a process is optimised and a payback is evident the introduction of IT systems, automation and innovation is advantageous. Generating a business case can be an art and assistance can be provided for this as well as to engineer the process.

As a Certified Nissan Production Way Senior IE Expert Coach, Michael has worked in numerous OEM, Tier 1&2 Suppliers and logistics operations to analyse and eliminate waste.

For example studying every body movement by each operator at a work station, each part as it flows manually or is transported and each quality or confirmation check. Or from an engineering perspective, redesigning a production shop or factory, connecting up processes, optimising space, eliminating buildings & unnecessary processes, re-engineering new material flow routes.

He is an Instructor for N-TWI (Nissan – Training Within Industry), JIT (Just-In-Time), YK04 (Advanced Multi-Model Line Balancing, Standardisation and Kaizen) which allows him to see (and teach) waste and develop solutions for complex assembly and machinery combinations.

Facility Efficiency Improvement

Polaris True North Consultancy can assist you with the capacity planning, up-time and quality output of your machinery.

We can do this by helping you to adopt Total Preventative Maintenance (TPM), to start measuring your true performance using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), to improve your tool change performance, and to adopt Statistical Process Control (SPC). Real time coaching and mentoring, structured training and root cause problem solving tools to resolve the issues found will be applied to underpin the rate of improvement.

As a Supervisor in an Injection and Blow Moulding Process, Michael developed analysis tools and efficiency reports to understand the real performance of his equipment. This was before OEE but as close to OEE as anyone could expect and resulted in 6-10% up-time improvement across a range of machines.

Michael also worked closely with Gateshead College to develop and introduce SPC training to all staff in order to help monitor machine capability to gain further productivity. This resulted in improvements to quality, reduced scrap and recycle material to process and chronic equipment breakdowns.

He once led a kaizen team that came up with ideas which reduced the standard time taken to change material on an injection moulding machine by 60%.

Quality Management Improvement

Polaris True North Consultancy can help you manage your quality holistically. From design, engineering, operations, in-line quality, final inspection, quality assurance, customer service and voice of the customer.

We can assist in managing and developing your suppliers to overcome their difficulties, synchronise with your production plan and to meet your specifications and ppm targets.

Furthermore we can help you manage your customers, to improve your centricity, performance and ppm levels.

As a Senior Supervisor responsible for a manufacturing line, and driving shop & plant level quality management, he ran a team of dedicated supervisors to work closely with design and product engineers, maintenance and SQA/QA Engineers to countermeasure deep rooted technical concerns to achieve plant level quality targets.

As Plant NPW Senior Supervisor, Michael achieved QCC Instructor status, leading and training staff through the root cause and countermeasure analysis steps to improve numerous in-process quality concerns.

As Regional Nissan Production Way Manager, Michael planned, trained and developed site managers and supervisors in the new St. Petersburg plant who went on to win the ‘Best Overseas Plant 3 Months In Service’ award in its first year.

As VP Global Product Development Leader Michael was instrumental in improving customer service to support contract renewals and elevate service level KPI achievement for numerous customers including in Bratislava, Portugal, Mexico, USA and South Africa. At the core of this activity was improved customer centricity and boosting the CI culture and employee engagement.

Manufacturing Operations Lean and CI Programs

Polaris True North Consultancy can assist your business on its journey from its current state to one where your Lean and Continuous Improvement culture would be typical of the ‘best in class’ in your industry.

If you want to have this as part of your DNA, to transform your business in this respect and you have aspirations for your factory, warehouse or office environments and have multiple sites with the desire to develop and deliver a 3-5 year plan, we will help you to design and deliver the strategy that will meet your expectations and position your business up there with the best.

Benchmarking is a crucial element of business performance and we can help you set up the appropriate system, network and develop a road map that can help you learn where you are competitive, where you are not and where the real and significant benefits could come from.

Michael has enjoyed being responsible to deliver and sustain manufacturing plant level continuous improvement. Ensuring the culture is alive and present, where the right environment is created so people can thrive and cherish the ownership and engagement of delivering positive change that contributes to their work place and which of course is aligned to business goals.

He developed IT systems and ran staff development and standardisation programs to under-pin his work to visualise, promote and sustain rates of improvement. He devised and managed the NPW Office at NMUK which remains firmly in place to this day. At the time gaining head office credibility, this was replicated as a global standard. His methods, drive and passion were used to leverage and make a significant difference across other plants in Europe and a new plant in Russia.

As VP Lean Advisor to the UK AIL MD for UK, Michael developed a lean strategy to transform the way of working, management behaviour and culture within Supply Chain. This was underpinned by a bespoke Executive Lean Training Course and basic Kaizen/5S training. As a consequence the organisation was bolstered with more lean thinkers which resulted in the desired culture change. Also cost and efficiency improvements and most importantly engaged and empowered staff that went on to delight their customers.

Michael has led bench-marking and best practice sharing programs in both roles. To improve competitiveness between manufacturing plants, comparing various production shops in Europe, Japan, Mexico and USA. To strive towards world-class operations, between logistics line-feeding operations across 13 operations based in the UK, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa, China, Mexico and Thailand which were providing services to 5 OEMs.

Manufacturing Operations

Polaris True North Consultancy can support your daily operations teams to optimise their process performance and meet your full potential.

Using advanced best practice principles and tools based exactly on Japanese Manufacturing Management Way Process Controls, we can train, adopt, develop your people and tune your processes to achieve best in class performance levels – regardless of what type of business you are, there is a model that will fit.

Whatever your challenges or aspirations may be, we can find the solution that will help you on your journey.

Throughout his career Michael ensured he was on the leading edge and fully engaged with all of the best practice manufacturing and management CI tools and techniques.

He has extensive knowledge in paint, plastic injection & blow moulding, final assembly and finished vehicle processes. He also understands stamping, body, casting and engine assembly processes.

Michael was hungry to travel to Japan and did so on many occasions, in total for about 16 months. He enjoyed his experience in Japan learning, working and immersing himself deep into their culture and DNA.

He has also had great exposure and success in many suppliers where he has consistently leveraged his skills and knowledge.

Michael is proud to often be referred to as Mr. NPW or Mr. Lean!

Warehousing & Line-Feeding Operations

Polaris True North Consultancy can assist you to design tailor made, productive and innovative solutions for your warehouse operations, whether they are new or existing to re-engineer.

Typically, Toyota’s ‘One-Piece’ and ‘Straight-Line’ Flow principles together with Nissan’s Synchronous Manufacturing principles can be can be applied to provide you with world class operations.

Many consider inbound to manufacturing warehousing operations as non-value added, which in the advanced world is true. However in the real world for many others it is necessary, therefore while it exists it must deliver optimum returns. When set up correctly and economically, on-site and off-site sequencing and kitting warehouses can reduce your risks, provide consistency & security, and create operational space to support growth and improve your manufacturing costs.

Furthermore for I2M and arguably more specifically for Aftermarket Warehousing and E-Commerce Operations, innovation and new technology are becoming paramount. Automation, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Ergonomic Systems for people and Green Systems for the environment can all be applied appropriately to fit your product, brand, strategic and tactical approach.

Michael has vast experience of numerous on-site and off-site warehouse and cross-dock operations encompassing manual and technical operations. This ranged from start-up, rate of climb, troubleshooting and ‘turnaround’ situations. A significant advantage he has is his ability to be able to see things from both a manufacturing and logistics expert point of view which helps get a fuller perspective and balanced roadmap of activity and returns, for you and your customer.

He has worked closely and transferred knowledge into Solutions Designers and IT Teams who provide the facilities, infrastructure & equipment, and plan the resource to receive, store, pick and despatch in sequence or in kits according to the manufacturer’s schedule.

As Global VP Operational Excellence, Michael’s role involved researching innovation and bringing ideas to life, which became a global promotion activity. He made viable options accessible to operations and customers alike, achieving traction and tangeable benefits.

New Facility Start-Up

The installation and commissioning of machinery can be very complicated and troublesome, often resulting in design specification not being met for extended periods or not at all. Polaris True north Consultancy can help plan, project manage, and support safety & production commissioning periods to help launch seamlessly. Ensuring your production schedule and customer commitments can be met economically.

Training, cross-functional teamwork, matrix management, robust business & process controls, and of course some good old fashioned commitment and common sense are crucial to your success.

As a Production Supervisor and Senior Supervisor, Michael worked with plant, planning & maintenance engineers, machine designers, machine manufacturers & technicians alike to ensure the safe and efficient working at the required specifications and quality level of several injection and blow moulding machines. This was over a 4 year period, involving trips to Japan where the machinery was designed and originally constructed.

Michael has also experienced and supported the successful start-up of warehouses & sequencing operations in his role as logistics service provider for OEMs. He is acutely aware of the risks involved and the need for consistency and a guaranteed supply of parts to manufacturing lines.

New Model Introduction

Whichever new model or product you are planning to introduce, Polaris True North Consultancy can help you by validating & scrutinising your plans. By teaching and deploying best practice management tools to project manage success or ensure intermediary action is taken promptly. Nominally this would range from concept through design and each stage as you progress into the start of production and onto a 6 month period of standardisation and stabilisation.

A presence of practitioners in the guise of a quick response team, to coach & mentor your people, safeguard your processes and resolve problems is a useful way to secure a seamless launch.

Representing the production department, Michael led the successful launch of two new vehicles and was once transferred to another line undergoing a new model launch to lead, take corrective measures and recover a very challenging situation at the start of production phase. During the first launch program, Michael devised and managed the New Model Introduction Room (control centre) Concept, improving communication, cross-functional teamwork, problem resolution, accuracy of reporting etc and eliminating many challenges during the transition to production. It remains a global standard to this day.

Michael had the foresight to understand that the planning and  smooth introduction of a new model depended on the quality of data surrounding the intended existing production line. Operator ergonomics, line balance efficiency, model-mix variation, standard versus actual times, quality checks and line balance smoothing are all critical factors. Michael instigated and led a team of Production Supervisors, IE and IT to develop a system to accurately reflect current model conditions and new model line balance design intent which reduced the number of practical concerns experienced and delivered tangeable benefits in quality and up-time at the start of production.

Michael also developed a design electric function test rig for use in the initial trial stages,

As VP Operations Excellence for Europe providing a 3PL service to a leading OEM in South Africa, Michael was called into action to rectify very challenging issues which were delaying the trial schedule and the output of current production vehicles. This phase was troublesome but completed on time, and after some strengthening of the organisation, training and the introduction of new processes for trial management, the next phase and start of production were seamless for the customer and said to be the best launch ever experienced.

Change Management

Whether your changing processes, re-engineering your site, taking over a new site or going through a volume up/down scenario, whatever the major change may be Polaris True North Consultancy can help you plan, project manage, train, coach & mentor your people to protect and secure your processes to deliver the best results.

Assuming your project management is strong, we can use the light touch approach to perfect your processes and provide practitioners to coach and assist with solving real problems timely. Alternatively, if you see your project management as a potential weakness, we can provide technical training, business processes, advanced visual management and reporting methods that will keep your projects in control, on track, at cost and understood.

Michael has undergone numerous of these types of change over a 19 year period working on site at a leading Japanese OEM. Perfecting his project management skills and applying the right tools to fit the size and scale of the project.

Additionally, Michael was often requested to support struggling suppliers in order to develop their processes to deliver new components to achieve right first time target levels. These ranged from side-skirts, spoilers, door mirrors, bumpers, instrument panels, and various plastic trims & mouldings.

In Supply Chain, Michael supported numerous transformation and re-engineering programs for OEM logistics operations resulting in improved service levels and seamless change.


When a crisis occurs or you’re having short term difficulties maintaining your production plan you need a special focus and a certain way of managing your business, your customers, your suppliers and your employees to get back to a normal sustainable way of working. We have a proven way of managing a crisis, that brings success and normality in a team-like, sensible, structured and speedy fashion.

Technical expertise to get to the source of deep-rooted technical concerns can also be provided to help you overcome new equipment problems or chronic issues on current machinery or indeed manual processes.

In his 34 years in the industry, Michael has faced many such challenges therefore has a vast amount of experience in this area and somewhat of a reputation around the globe for putting out fires.

He has yet to come across a problem that cannot be overcome with the correct team and positive mind-set and is confident he has the most competent network of consultants that can deliver this.

Some examples of extreme line stoppages over extended periods are:

  • Special Version Painted Exterior Trim Quality Issues
  • Instrument Panel Moulding Quality Issues
  • Cross Dock Operation Start Up
  • Sequencing Warehouse Start Up and New Model Launch
  • New Model Introduction
  • On-site Receiving and Line Feed Start Up
  • New Business Take Over


If your business is operating with low profitably levels or worse you’re in the red, Polaris True North Consultancy can help you return to target or industry level margins.

Using advanced lean management and technical tools to analyse, forecast, measure and validate every issue and opportunity to achieve this. Innovative ideas and back to basics combined with expertise that can be drawn upon to review other areas of the business such as finance, property, HR for example will come together under one roadmap to survival, recovery and onward success.

Taking such steps and undergoing the journey can often result in learning more about the business than you anticipated. In some instances, the provision of such facts and figures can give you the confidence to renegotiate your terms and conditions with your customer.

In his role as Regional Nissan Production Way Manager, Michael ‘double-hatted’ into Purchasing. He and his team were occasionally tasked with saving a supplier from going bust or being shut-down resulting in parts being reluctantly sourced elsewhere.

Such a case was evident with a tier 1 moulding & assembly company, whereby a volume, capacity and cost study was conducted. A factory level layout and machine utilisation plan was designed, the organisation streamlined and headcount optimised over a mutually acceptable 2 year period.

Another was returning a low margin performing supplier ‘back to black’ in a process, productivity and material usage deep dive exercise where part by part, model by model, costs were realigned, future new model costs were accurately aligned and within a year the supplier was committing to annual cost reduction targets.

One other was a competitive and thriving multi part, multi facility tier 1 supplier, where the emphasis was on cross-company collaboration. Advanced level tools and techniques were shared, new cost reduction themes were piloted, success was leveraged across processes & local sites, and ideas were invested into new models. Circa €1.3m was saved in the first two years with visibility of c€700k in year 3. Further scope to leverage across 3 other sites across Europe was agreed.

Purchasing Cost Reduction

Polaris True North Consultancy can improve your purchasing costs in two ways. Firstly by providing you and your team with a structured process improvement system and set of tools designed specifically for this purpose – it results in a win-win for you and your suppliers, by delivering cost reduction through real change. Training will be provided on your own processes, which will reap its own rewards but primarily leaves a legacy of self sustainability that allows you to leverage the skills and knowledge gained.

Secondly, we can engage with your suppliers and deliver the results on your behalf.

If you are a multi-site, regional or global organisation, a Head Office Purchasing Support Project could be established to ensure cost reduction and supplier optimisation themes can be leveraged, optimising the payback on investment.

In his role as Regional Nissan Production Way Manager, Michael ‘double-hatted’ into Purchasing, taking on a role in Supplier Development. This resulted in transforming a 2 man team returning €250k cost reduction per year into a fully trained and proficient 12 man team across Europe returning €15m per year.

To do this, Michael developed a structured ‘win-win’ approach which gained the trust and respect of suppliers and bridged the gap between them and procurement managers. Allowing free flowing information, greater appreciation and collaboration, real process improvement and substantiated cost reduction on current models. This was then leveraged on to new models, forming a basis for improved and accurate quotations.

This methodology was translated into a Japanese version and deployed globally with great success and is still in place today.

Material Usage Reduction

Very often, direct and indirect materials usage is ignored or not understood. Polaris True North Consultancy has the tools, techniques and know-how to help you reduce your material usage without compromise to your operation or quality specifications. Depending on the size, nature and cost of your materials of course, huge amounts of money can be saved with the right focus and methods in place.

Venture into new territory and become technical about the amount of material you, or perhaps more specifically your suppliers use and charge you for.

Michael has experience in direct and indirect material cost reduction, when running production zones, lines, painting & moulding processes. Particularly during challenging times when survival was paramount – every penny counted! Regularly finding ideas to reduce cost to meet annual targets through material usage reduction, scrap reduction, process capability improvement and design change.

As a Value-Up Pilot he specialised in cross-functional cost reduction opportunities, breaking down barriers to leverage good ideas.

When managing his Supplier Development Cost Reduction Team, he specialised in Budomari (a proven Japanese method to design out waste) and reducing material costs in complex supplier processes where expensive or precious metals were used. In this case, the tiniest rate of improvement can have a significant impact on purchase cost and your cost per product.

Recruitment & Training

Polaris True North Consultancy can help you define a growth plan capturing the needs and support required to develop and deliver a road map to ensure you recruit the right people at the right time and train them thoroughly to achieve a seamless transition. This can include skills testing, management training, technical and practical skills, on the job training and apprenticeship schemes.

Digitilised modular training bespoke to your assembly conditions, build specifications and quality standards can be developed to ensure you can comfortably train operatives in an off-line area prior to entering into the often daunting pressure pot of assembling real product. This can also be applied to your in-house logistics operations.

We can help to ensure less impact to your operations at the introduction of new staff.

As Plant Nissan Production Way Senior Supervisor, Michael refreshed the training curriculum for Manufacturing Staff, Team Leaders and Supervisors, creating a global standard. Michael was also previously involved in establishing best practice recruiting methodology which involved selecting the right manufacturing staff, team leaders, supervisors and graduates in the first instance. Practical, simulated induction training systems were developed to ensure a smooth transition to their actual jobs.

Michael has leveraged this concept at numerous sites to support growth and periods of instability in both manufacturing and logistics operations. The results are always undeniable and the method integratred into routine business as a legacy.

After Sales Service Improvement

Polaris True North Consultancy can help improve the operating efficiency of your servicing and body repair & repaint workshops, regardless of vehicle type.

If your dealership or workshop has bottlenecks within processes such as waiting customers, unhappy customers due to incomplete or delayed work, too much work to cope with and turning customers away for example, together we can develop and introduce new processes to convert these issues into opportunities to take your business forward.

If you run an accessory fit operation for any vehicle type including forklift trucks for example, we can apply this concept to grow and make your business more competitive.

As Nissan Production Way Manager, Michael was advisor and coach to Sales & Marketing senior management. He helped develop a sustainable strategy involving the adaptation of a dealer service improvement theme originating from Japan, which aimed at avoiding unnecessary capital expenditure on new dealerships. It had to be adapted to work in the UK & Europe and given his previous experience working for 8 years repairing  and repainting cars, Michael was perfectly positioned to apply himself to this.

He conducted successful pilot activities in the UK, Germany & Russia and the project expanded into Europe. Michael trained & coached (on -the-job) 19 production supervisors to deliver the program .

In operational terms the project improved productivity up to 30%, quality of service up to 10%, customer satisfaction around 1%, and increased parts and labour revenues by more than 20%.

Michael adapted the theme for use in the body repair and repaint workshops which was leveraged back to Japan to be rolled out globally.

Business Development

Customer engagement and RFQ responses are key elements of growing your business and Polaris True North Consultancy can help with ideas and initiatives to improve your focus and rate of closure. By validating your engagement processes, scrutinising your business plan, critiquing and adding value to your responses and coaching your team on live pursuits.

You may be looking to break into the automotive sector but are not familiar to the industry, its culture, traditions, needs, challenges and aspirations. We can provide you with sector intelligence that will help you win that oh so important first piece of business!

As VP Global Automotive I2M Product Development Leader, a substantial part of Michael’s role was to strengthen the automotive knowledge and technical understanding of his BD colleagues in order that they may present themselves more confidently to potential customers. He would contribute to bids and customer engagement generally, plus RFQ’s in terms of value added input and technical validation. He was often invited to facilitate customer workshops, particularly overseas where entering into new markets. To scope opportunities that would result in a win-win scenario for the customer and service provider.

Examples of successes are with a Tier 1 bumper supplier in the UK, linefeed operations to an OEM in Portugal, and warehousing & linefeed operations to an OEM in South Africa.

Product Development

Support to leverage your product sales and develop your product using the latest innovations and best practices. Helping you ensure your business is optimising your product and your people, and your customers know what you have in your portfolio.

As Global Product Development Leader, Michael has experience in developing Inbound to Manufacturing, After Market and Tyre products, with some exposure to LLP and Transportation/Freight.

Contract Renewal Programs

If you have an existing customer where the renewal of the contract is desirable and soon approaching, or is crucial to your business, or is at risk perhaps due to being in an unstable condition or the customer is showing signs of dis-satisfaction, Polaris True North Consultancy can help you get back on track with our customer centric approach, an array of tools and by coaching your employees on live renewal projects.

In various roles with a leading SC LSP, Michael was deeply involved in setting the strategy for renewal and achieving an increase from 83% to 95%.

He worked closely with central and local teams and directly with customers to re-inforce relations, to deliver convincing plans and actions that clearly delighted the customer. The majority was aimed at service improvement KPI, cost reduction, introducing innovation and determining/offering win-win growth opportunities.

Success was seen in Slovakia, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, South Africa and the UK.

KD/SKD/DKD Operation and Supply Chain

In the current market, a re-appearing trend is to establish KD (Knock-Down) Operations. Polaris True North Consultancy can provide you with the guidance and know-how to design the assembly and/or dis-assembly sites, the supply chain and distribution or kitting centres.

Supplier consistency and packaging capability is critical to your success. We can help you to develop and prepare your suppliers, who may be new to KD.

Michael’s initiation into vehicle manufacturing was with a KD plant in the UK, where he contributed to it’s initial and ongoing success into the UK’s highest volume plant.

He also ran a service parts ED painting and packaging operation.

In his regional role he supported the launch of a KD plant in St Petersburg, Russia.

Recently he has been an integral member of an advisory team to an OEM supporting internal workshops to make plans to re-establish KD and DKD operations. Plus two other consulting opportunities with other OEM’s involving Europe and China, and Europe and North America.

Pearl Chain – Synchronous Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Polaris True North Consultancy can help you transform your business, to help your team understand and deploy the benefits of synchronisation. Applied to your manufacturing and logistics processes for your customer, or to your supplier’s processes with yours.

You would benefit by an optimised supply chain, the avoidance of traditional levels of waste in the pipeline and the introduction of efficient management controls and part by part visualisation to know exactly where your product is in relation to your build schedule.

In his global product development lead role, Michael engaged directly with a leading OEM in Europe to advise on the connectivity and synchronisation of manufacturing plants, the supplier base and logistics. The emphasis was on what these all must achieve in order to make this breakthrough and sustain the consistency behind it.

The aim was to understand how to plan and prepare for the eventuality and to specify requirements, standards, technical elements etc.

Expected benefits to the OEM is nominally in double digits in €m’s for each plant.

Innovation and Automation

Polaris True North Consultancy can provide the expertise to specify and design AGV routes, conveyor systems and automated line-feed systems. Patience and wisdom is strongly advised as often the best approach is to eliminate waste and optimise inefficient processes first.

Also to help decide where robots, goods to man equipment, IT systems and automated systems for example, should or should not be deployed. Assist in developing payback criteria and business cases to ensure cost effectiveness for you. Coordinating proof of concept trials in your processes to test theories and innovative concepts.

We can provide research, analysis and access to innovations  and start-ups looking to promote their products and break into new markets. By keeping our finger on the pulse with the latest developments we can provide you with an up to date insight into what is possible for your business.

Whilst operationally responsible and in his plant improvement role Michael became very experienced in AGV’s and line-side automated delivery methods and equipment. Using these to link processes and buildings up from a factory level improvement point of view.

With a 3PL Michael spent 10% of his time driving innovation into the automotive sector and as such was exposed and has networks in many real and viable innovations that will deliver results – please contact us to enquire about what we have in our library for you!

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